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Writer's pictureKirsty Herriot

Finding Joy in the Little Things!

As I type this I'm bubbling over with Joy and excitement. This month's book is so Joyful, inside and out and as well as launching it, I'm also trying to launch a # FindYourJoyrides campaign to raise funds for the mental health charity - MIND.

Now, I know I am easily excitable (you should have seen my face when I received a voice note on my phone, from Angela Scanlon herself, I mean just her gorgeous, lilting, Irish accent is enough to make you smile!) but this time the excitement isn't just for me. Excitement is about possibilities right? And what's keeping me going this month is the possibility of making a real difference.

In my head, the # FindYourJoyrides is going to go viral (a bit like the ice bucket challenge or 100 days of happiness). I also know that this isn't a guaranteed and that maybe it won't go anywhere near as big as my head imagines but the thing about hopes and dreams and possibilities is that if you don't even try, you will never, ever know.

It's going to work like this - I'll start it off tonight on Facebook & Instagram and the idea is that for 3 days in a row you share a pic of something that has brought you Joy (your Joyrides), on each day you tag and challenge 3 different friends to do the same and on your 3rd day you donate £3 to to our Fundraising Page for MIND .

Your Joyrides don't have to be huge joyous moments (though they can be if you're lucky enough to have some happening for you right now), it's about savouring the small wins too, finding small daily things to be grateful for. We all know how good for our wellbeing and mindfulness gratitude is, but how many of us actively do it. I want to encourage us all to make it a habit and hopefully

# FindYourJoyrides will get you started.

I'm also donating 50% of the profits from our June Box to MIND, so even if the # FindYourJoyrides doesn't do as well as I hope it will, I'm still going to be helping and that really is bringing me some Joy.

Let's all celebrate Joyful June, bring on the sunshine, bring on the Joy!!!

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